Monday, February 2, 2009

Hosting your online business

If you run a "offline" business you still need a website. Perhaps you don't need very much capacity but you still need a website. If you run your business online you really need a website.
With different needs for your business comes different hosting needs.
Nowadays you can get quite cheap hosting with lots of storage, databases and extras.

Below are a few different hosting providers. It is worth reading up on what they provide and consider what you need.

Blue host



Thursday, January 29, 2009

Importance of privary online

Dealing with privacy for your users is becoming a more and more complex issue. It's quite easy to couse privacy concerns without knowing it.

Google recently wrote about privancy: Official Google Blog: Raising data privacy awareness

It is recommended to take some time to go over your business's privacy policy.
What information do we collect? How do we store is? How is the information published?

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


To be professional in business you need business cards. But you don't have to pay alot for them.
PsPrint print business cards cheap and with high quality. Thay also print greeting cards and more.

Check out PsPrint here!